I can speak from recent experience

Over the past couple of years I have dealt with a low-grade depression. Finally, I asked my physician and she immediately put me on Lexapro. I saw no change and I don't see her anymore. About 6 months later I went to a psychiatrist who switched me to Effexor XR and still I saw no change (and he doesn't see any of my dollars & change, anymore).

Last Fall, I started seeing a therapist and everybody who knows me has seen an improvement, including myself.

So, I would have to agree that talk therapy is sometimes best for depression

Yoga and a one-on-one therapy regime is what has worked wonders for me.

Your mileage might differ.


Anonymous said…
Ah yes, talk therapy.
I was once laughed out of a psychiatric staff meeting for suggesting such a cure. I'm glad someone's catching on. Now when the pharmaceutical companies figure out how to charge for that, we'll hear a lot more about it ;-)
bmitd67 said…
That was one thing I realized, and I know this happens with all sorts of medications, that both of my docs gave me samples...which, of course, come from the pharm companies...
Becky said…
I'm a huge fan of talk therapy. I think it's unethical for a doctor to prescribe anti-depressents without also prescribing talk therapy. However, the financial disincentive for talk therapy for the HMOs is huge: drugs are cheaper.
bmitd67 said…
We are in such a quick fix world; fast food, a penal system that does little to rehabilitate or even, just reacclimate, it can be so frustrating but as the old phrase goes...each one teach on. If we all just walk the walk of what we believe to be right...