
Showing posts from 2011

(Repost) Allowing others to...

*****Technical Errors Require this to be reposted***** Recently I have been reminded how extremely difficult it is for me to allow others to be themselves and believe whatever they want to believe. Over the past week I have been involved in 4 conversations in 4 different subject areas where I have had to give up the conversation because it became apparent the other person in the conversation didn't see things the way I did thus didn't believe the same truisms that I believe. This is always tortuous to me because the way I see it is that I am approaching whatever it is from the rational and objective which is universal and easy for everyone to see. What I forget is two-fold. One person's logic is another person's bullshit and two what's logical to me might be emotional to them. This turns it into a three-fold reason but I might not be seeing things as objectively as I think I am. I believe we are all blessed with certain talents, skills, and tendencies which when...