This is actually more a response - a dissent, if you will - to the extraordinarily smart and beautiful, poetically inclined maven of Brown Rabbit Tanning , Marjorie. Marjorie and I worked at Davis-Kidd together, we started on the same day (to walk into the breakroom and see her certainly made me feel better about working for $8/hr), and I typically agree with her on things film and political, although she once steered me to an insane Turkish movie, which I have fortunately forgotten the name of, although I did like the music. I will have to say that her disinterest in The Queen disappoints me greatly. I, not being an Anglophile wasn't interested in The Queen but when the lights went down I became enthralled and entranced by Dame Helen Mirren (who joins other silver-haired beauties, Raquel Welch - I know she's not silver haired but you know what I mean - and Emmylou Harris , on my hottie list). Here performance was all encompassing, she is one of the few who truly and absol...