Ethnic Jai

Originally uploaded by cjgrinham.
Marjorie mentioned the whole thing with me looking like our former coworker's boyfriend, Benny. Benny is Indian. What we saw as similar was our body shape. We are both about the same height and width. Our faces are similarly shaped and our complexion is similar, especially in the Summer.

My wife is often mistaken for a latina and I have a cousin or two who could be seen as Greek, Italian or Central Asian. So, yes I guess we can all look mixed up.


M said…
omigod! It's hilarious that you put this picture up. I think there might be some similarity in silhouette, but I think you two are clearly different races.

But then, I don't suppose it's really all that great an idea to go around trying to assess each others' heritage. I mean, no one's ever cocked his/her head to the side, squinted at me and said "Polish Jew/French Canadian/Ulster Plantation Scot/Dutch/other assorted Northern European stuff." Usually, I get Irish b/c I'm a (bottle) redhead. I'd be satisfied with "garden-variety gringo," I think.