Congratulations, I think.

I have just completed my first week as Customer Service Specialist for the Nashville Public Library. When the announcement was made I got several honest congratulations but I got several tepid, even disappointed congratulations. Most of the latter came from people who I have observed as not the most customer service oriented and I imagine they pictured themselves dealing with the "problem" patrons and just couldn't imagine that being a good job. Honestly, I worry about that too but for a different reason.

It's not logical but I will take some issues of complaints personally. I think it is usually related to how the patron approaches me. I can't put my finger on what all that means but it does have to do with the way they approach me. The other part of it is that I want to be understood and I don't think I am necessarily confusing but when it apprears to me that someone doesn't understand what I am saying I want to explain more and that usually frustrates everybody. So, my hesitation or concern about the job has to do with me not letting go of a situation after its over. Yoga techniques and mindfulness practicing will help me deal with all sorts of focusing and concentration issues. I hope to use my mindfulness techniques to help deal with difficult situations. My predecessor always said this was a job in which she got to make people happy by resolving they problems. I hope I can maintain that attitude.

This first week went well. At this point, it is a very hectic job. I am trying to organize the space, organize my head, and organize the daily duties/routine. The job involves making phone calls, receiving phone calls, sending/receiving emails, answering emails on-line, searching this building for items, emailing or calling branches to search, and fielding questions at the front desk. Basically, there are a lot of moving parts and I have to figure out how to best organize the day and the space to make sure I don't get pulled into a crazy mess. I hope I will have the routine half-way figured out by mid-Jan...that is two full weeks (since we have holidays both this week and next). I'm sure I will be referring to zen habits and lifehacker for some helpful hints.

Overall this seems like it was a good choice on my part. My two supervisors have shown confidence and support which, I would like to emphasize, is a wonderful feeling. I am sure I'll be ok once I'm settled but as any new chapter I am nervous and a little discombobulated. I know it will come but its hard when you hit the ground running and you have to take a lot of responsibility .


chez bez said…
Big congrats to you. You share your thoughts and concerns eloquently.