On this Day in Black History

0476 - Romulus Augustulus, the last emperor of the western Roman Empire, was deposed when Odoacer proclaimed himself King of Italy.
1530 - Ivan "The Terrible" born
1609 - Henry Hudson began exploring the island of Manhattan.
1781 - Forty-four men and women establish California's second pueblo, Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula. Twenty-six of the founders are of African descent. The settlement is now the city of Los Angeles.
1786 - Jehu Jones, Jr. born
1848 - Louis Latimer born
1865 - Bowie State College
1875 - Clinton (Mississippi) Massacre, Whites attack to overthrow a reconstruction government.
1886 - Geronimo, and the Apache Indians he led, surrendered
1888 - George Eastman registered the name "Kodak" and patented his roll-film camera.
1901 - Mantan Moreland born.
1905 - Meade "Lux" Lewis born
1908 - Richard Wright born
1918 - Gerald Wilson born
1923 - George Washington Carver received the Spingarn Medal for distinguished research in agricultural chemistry.
1957 - The Arkansas National Guard was ordered by Governor Orval Faubus to keep nine black students from going into Little Rock's Central High School.
1960 - Damon Wayans born
1962 - Archbishop Joseph Rummel ordered the New Orleans Catholic schools to integrate.
1965 - Albert Schweitzer died
1967 - "Gilligan's Island" aired for the last time on CBS-TV.
1973 - John Ehrlichman and G. Gordon Liddy were indicted with two others in connection with the burglary of a psychiatrist's office two years earlier.
1974 - Oliver Cromwell Cox died
1981 - Beyoncé Knowles born
1990 - Jesse Jackson secured the release of 26 American prisoners in Iraq
1999 - Philip Glass with the Kronos Quartet debuted a new filmscore to accompany the classic 1931 film "Dracula"
